Author Guideline

Authors who wish to submit articles must send them through the system. Here are the guidelines for writing the manuscripts:

  1. The manuscript is sent through this OJS.
  2. The manuscripts must be original and have never been published or are being submitted to another journal. The articles should be about linguistics, literature, or translation.
  3. The articles should be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English correctly in the form of an essay.
  4. The manuscripts submitted to Diglossia should normally be between 3500 to 6000 words (excluding references) or between 8-15 pages with single space using A-4 paper size, top and left margin 3 cm, bottom and right margin 2.54 cm. 
  5. Typed in the form of one (1) column and apply 1,5-line paragraph spacing.
  6. Written and posted in the font Times New Roman with MS Word processor (at least MS Word 6).
  7. The title should be in 14 bold and not more than 15 words.
  8. The name of the author should be written without academic titles and placed under the title of the article, followed by the name of the institution and mailing address (email or phone number). If the manuscript is written by a team, all members of the team must be written.
  9. The title of the article should be placed in the center. The subtitles should be aligned to the left without numbering. The sub-subtitles are written in the order of letters and numbers in bold italic.
  10. The manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract of not more than 300 words, containing the importance of the topic, objective, method, findings, and conclusion. If the article delivered in Bahasa Indonesia, the abstract should be written in both English and Bahasa Indonesia
  11. The Journal operates a peer review process. It promotes blind reviewing started on volume 10 no 2 in 2019. To facilitate this process, author’s names (without academic titles), institutional affiliations, and the email address of the corresponding author should appear only on a detachable cover sheet.
  12. Each article to be published in the Diglossia shall be obliged to submit an article published by the journal Diglossia published by English Literature Department of Faculty of Bussiness and Language, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum, Jombang.
  13. Each author is required to download the TEMPLATE as a reference to the script to be published by Diglossia
  14. The APC (Article Publication Charge) is IDR. 400.000, It is paid after the article is accepted. 
  15. For research-based articles, the outline used is: Title. The title should be less than 15 words, capitalize each word, centered, with font size 15 pt; Abstract. Below the abstract, about three to five keywords should appear together with the main body of the article; Introduction.  The introduction should consist of the background of the study, research contexts, literary review, and research objective. All introduction should be presented in the forms of paragraphs; Method. The method section consists of description concerning the research design, data sources, data collection, and data analysis, all presented in the form of paragraphs; Findings and discussion. The findings and discussion section consist of description of the results of the data analysis to answer the research question(s) and their meanings seen from current theories and references of the area addressed; Conclusion. The conclusion section consists of the summary, restatement, comment or evaluation of the main findings; References. Every source cited in the body of the article should appear in the reference, and all sources appearing in the reference should be cited in the body of the article. The sources cited should at least 50% come from those published in the last 10 years. The sources cited are primary sources in the forms of journal articles, books, and research reports, including theses and dissertations. Citation is done using bracket (last name and year of publication).
  16. Use one of the tools for reference management, e.g reference management feature of Microsoft Word, Zetero, Mendeley.
  17. The article checked for plagiarism by using Ithenticate or Turnitin. 
  18. The references and quotation are listed alphabetically and chronologically. They should follow American Psychological Association (APA) for examples:
    1. Book: author’s name (if the name is more than one word, take the last entry), year, title (italic), city of publication, publisher.
    2. Edwards, P.A. 2008. Children’s Literary Development. Boston: Pearson.
    3. Journal article: author’s name, year, title (in quotation marks), journal’s name (italic), volume/number, page.
      Nurgiyantoro, B. 2012. “Kebermaknaan Soal Ujian nasional Bahasa Indonesia SMA/MA 2012”. Dalam LITERA Jurnal Penelitian Bahasa, Sastra, dan Pengajarannya, Volume 11, Nomor 2, Oktober 2012, hlm. 167-179.
    4. Internet: author’s name, year, title (in quotation marks), site, access date.
      Mueller, J. 2008. “Authentic Assessment Toolbox”. North Central College, Naperville (Diunduh 17 Januari 2016).